
索取号:G0261101000-2021-0010 时间:2021-04-02 浏览:1206 设置


Chinese Learning in Shanghai Dianji University (For the Academic year 2021-2022)


Admission Criteria Requirements

1. 汉语语言进修生(半年及以上):

高中毕业以上(含高中毕业),年满18周岁,身心健康,能遵守中国法律法规的外国公民;Chinese language students (registered not less than half a year): Applicants must be graduates from high-school, more than 18 years old, healthy both physically and mentally, and must abide by Chinese laws.

2. 本科预科生(半年至一年):

高中毕业以上(含高中毕业),年满18周岁,准备申请上海电机学院本科专业学习,身心健康,能遵守中国法律法规的外国公民。University-Preparatory program students (registered not less than 1 year): Applicants must be graduates from high-school and are willing to study university degree programs in SDJU, more than 18 years old, healthy both physically and mentally, and must abide by Chinese laws.

3. 春季学期不提供零起点课程。

(No application for beginners in Spring Semester.)

II. 申请办法与收费标准

Application Time, Enrollment Notice & Registration



Application for the autumn semester starts from the end of June to mid-August;


(春季学期仅接受有汉语基础的外国留学生申请报名)Application for the spring semester starts from the end of December to middle January. (Only those who have learned Chinese for at least 6 months are eligible to apply for the spring semester.)


1. 报名费Application:400元  400 RMB

2. 学费Tuition:


3. 保险费Insurance:800元/年; 800RMB per year

4. 住宿费Room:2人间500元/月;4人间250元/月

500 RMB per month for a bed in a double-bed room;

250 RMB per month for a bed in a quadruple-bed room.



Please register and apply at Shanghai Dianji University Foreign Affairs System 



汪老师 (Teacher WANG)wangn@sdju.edu.cn;

黄老师(Teacher HUANG)huangzq@sdju.edu.cn.

3.邮寄Mail to:

上海市闵行区江川路690号    邮编:200240

Shanghai Dianji University, No 690, JiangChuan Rd, Minhang District, Shanghai, China (200240)

4.联系电话 Tel:



Materials the Applicant is supposed to provide

1、上海电机学院来华外国留学生申请表  Shanghai Dianji University Application Form for International Students (Chinese Language)

2、有效期内的护照复印件或扫描件,以及与护照照片同尺寸的照片电子版 A soft copy of the valid passport and a passport-size photo

3、最高学历毕业证书及成绩单(中英文皆可,盖有学校公章以及校长签名,翻译件须公证)Highest Education Diploma and Transcripts (must be in Chinese or English, stamped by the High school and signed by the High school’s headmaster. Translated Copy must be notarized.)

4、汉语学习证明或成绩单,如:HSK成绩单,或之前学校的汉语考试成绩 Chinese learning certificate or transcripts, such as HSK transcripts, or previous school Chinese test scores

5、“转学证明”(仅要求上一学期在中国的学校就读过的外国留学生提供)Transfer Letter from the last school or university in China (only for those who have studied in China for the last semester.)

05开学时间School Opening Time

1. 春季学期 Spring Semester:2月底 Late February

2. 秋季学期 Autumn Semester:9月初  Early September

III课程安排Course Design
